You are welcome to join us this Sunday!

Katanning Baptist Church is a local church family that aspires to love God, love one another, and love the wider community.
WHEN: 10am every Sunday
WHERE: Kennedy Hall, on the Kobeelya Campus.
131 Kobeelya Avenue, Katanning, WA 6317


Katanning Baptist Church is located in the agricultural super-town of Katanning – ‘the Heart of the Great Southern.’ Our church campus is located at the end of the main street in town, at the top of the hill.
We are a Bible-based, Christ-centred, Spirit-filled community, who want to see the good news of Jesus Christ transform the lives of people in this region.
Please join us at 10am this Sunday!
Past Sermons
Catch up on the sermon you missed or get a taste of what to expect. Hear our catalogue of sermons here.
What We Believe
Find out what we believe about God, the Bible, People, Salvation, the Church, and the Sacraments.

About us
It all comes
back to Jesus
When it comes to summarising the Christian faith and the purpose of our different ministries… we believe that ultimately “It all comes back to Jesus”.
We want to see the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ – impact the lives of people in this town, and the wider farming community that surrounds it.
Update coming soon.
Update coming soon.
Update coming soon.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

Our Ministries

Local Ministries
Hope Cafe runs once per month throughout the year, where we gather in Kennedy Hall (here on the Kobeelya/Church Campus) to share a meal and life stories. The meal is free and we would love to have as many people as possible come along to the next one!
The Hope Cafe stall is present at the Katanning Show, Harmony Festival, and Carols in the Park events each year. The church pantry supplies food hampers for people in crisis situations. We are also partnered with Vision Christian Radio (87.6) and Sonshine FM (97.3) who broadcast from our campus.

Global Missions
The Church was fortunate enough to be able to purchase a block of land just outside of town in 2008. The annual church crop is managed through the generosity and hard work of our farmers, which enables the church to support multiple overseas mission organisations.
We currently support missionary families in Africa, Asia and Europe. Our prayer and financial support also extends to Enjoy the Journey Foundation, Baptist World Aid, Global Interaction, and Bible Society Australia.

Young Adults
We have a couple of Bible study groups for young adults that are led by caring mentors. This is also a ministry that includes hosting a Young Adults Rally at our Kobeelya campus in July, as well as joining other GS churches for the annual Sportsfest competition in September each year.
Katanning Baptist has a long association, with other regional churches, to invest directly in Camp Kennedy (Albany). It hosts our Church camps, GS Easter camps and other great events.

Kids church
This program runs during the school terms and provides a fun, safe and interactive time for children – with the aim of teaching them more about who God is and what he has done for us.
The two main groups are ‘Little Treasures’ (for pre-schoolers aged 4 and under), and ‘Kidz Church’ (for those who are 4-12 years of age).

Our Team

Jesse Dixon
Senior Pastor
Jesse began working as a minister for Katanning Baptist Church at the start of 2021, with the church being familiar to his family due to regular visits to stay nearby on the in-laws farm. Prior to this he worked for ten years as a Physiotherapist at a major hospital in Perth, specifically in the area of Neurological Research. Jesse completed his Master of Divinity through Trinity Theological College and is passionate about keeping the gospel of Jesus Christ at the centre of our lives and church ministries. In his free time, he enjoys being with his wife and three children, as well as watching any form of basketball on tv.

John Pim
Associate Pastor
After ministering as Sole Pastor in Esperance and as Youth Pastor at Lake Joondalup Baptist Church, John joined Katanning Baptist in 2023. John together with his family (5 children, 1 wife), quickly made their home in Katanning. Coupled with previous experience in fabrication, his approach to life and ministry is very personal and practical. John is dedicated to knowing Jesus and making Jesus known and is drawn to pastoral care and outreach ministries. John holds a Bachelor of Ministry and is an accreditation candidate with BC WA.
John enjoys participating in all kinds of adventure on land or sea.

Kobeelya Function
and Accommodation Centre

In 1986 the Katanning Baptist Church purchased the entire Kobeelya site. The church itself also re-located to the campus from its former building at 6 Carew Street, and currently uses the Kennedy and Carey buildings for most of its ministry activities.
The Katanning Baptist Church have extensively renovated the building bringing much of it back to its original condition, however it requires significant ongoing maintenance. The community now uses it as a retreat, conference, and accommodation centre with many rooms available to rent to the public.
The Old Kobeelyan’s (ex boarding students) house archives and memorabilia from the Kobeelya Girls School in the Coach House.
A conservation plan was completed on the building and a LotteryWest grant has enabled the re-roofing of the building to be completed.

Sunday Service
>> 10am every Sunday
>> At Kennedy Hall
on the Kobeelya